
BombingRun is like football with weapons and magnetic passing

Each team has a goal and in the middle of the map spawns the ball.
Jumping through the goal with ball in hand gives 7 points.
Throwing the ball in the goal gives 3 points.
The team with the most goalpoints wins the match.

BombingRun is a gametype of Epic Games since Unreal Tournament 2003.

Basic rules:
One match takes 20 minutes.
Each team has a goal.
In the middle of the map spawns the ball.
Jumping through the goal with ball in hand gives 7 points.
Throwing the ball in the goal gives 3 points.
Winning team with the most scored goalpoints, wins the match.

If there is a draw at the end of the time, the game gets extended for 2 minutes.
After 2 minutes, there is a new check for a winner. If there is no winner, new Overtime.

Special weapons:
Mandatory weapon on ball pick up.
Left click shoots the ball in a curve.
Right click by aiming on a teammember locks him as target. Pass-mode active
Left Click in pass-mode will shoot a magnetic pass.
Right click in pass-mode with no aim deletes the locked target.

Teleporting weapon
My default 3 Ammo.
Recharging every 1 second.
Throwing the ball sets ammo to 0. (so better do some passes)
Teleporting on another players, kills him instantly, close-range weapon

Passing Rules:
Throwing the ball gives a teleport penalty of 0 ammo. This mechanic is implemented since Unreal Tournament 2004, to force the player for more passing. 
The ball pass follows the targets path.
The magnetic pass can be caught by the enemy team.
The magnetic pass stops after 5 seconds flying.
The magnetic pass can be stopped with a shock comb or link gun.

Jumping Rules:
Pressing jump right before the teleport will lift-up the player for 1 second after the teleport

Adreanline pills give you a speed-run on 100 pills.
Scoring a goal gives 25 pills.
Killing any player gives 1 pill.
Kill the enemy ball carrier gives 12 pills.
Pills can be collected on the map.

On use of "Feign Death" the player can suicide to defend the goal.

Reset rules:
Reset means, the ball spawns back to the middle of the map
If the ballrunner dies outside the map, the ball gets reset.
If no player touches the ball for 20 seconds, the ball gets reset.
If you throw the ball outside of the arena, it gets reset.

If a player scores a goal, the ball gets reset after 15 seconds.

Of all the gametypes in the Unreal Universe, this gamemode is the most team oriented.
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