
Currents bugs occur

  • link gun primary is not nice to the ball
  • invisible ball bug rarely - rep
  • no goal at pass?
  • jump and slide adjustment needed at speed
  • super shield on respawn bugged
  • sometimes weapon inventory bug on respawn rarely
  • hud scale needed

  • Disco fixes: some textures
  • Anubis fixes: reset announcer doesnt work sometimes, a bit to dark, better weapon managment
  • Grendelkeep fixes: stairs for bots downstairs, more light?
  • twintombs: low fps
>>> material physics everywhere for footstep sound
Features coming:

improved bot support, 3 points, better passing
"no adrenaline" by config menu

Playercard with detailed stats
Imrpvoed spectator hud
Ballspectator zoom in and out by mousewheel

hud improvement
Improved announcer
less weapon impact
maybe addiontal gadgets like a static Shield for 10 seconds
Database to website
UT4 movement BR map

Kills, Deaths, Kill-Death-Rate
Balltouches, Ballposession-time - Ballpossesion-rate team, Ballpossesion-rate overall
Ballpasses, Succesfullpasses, Passrate
ball shots
Intercepted passes, Inercepted pass rate (get all passes of other team)
adrenaline pills overall, speed used
ball lost.
killed carrier
goal chances 3, 7
passing direction, tempo, forward play
most possible speedtime not used
maximum adren walking speed?

team posession rate (TPR) scuessful passrate  (SPR)
defenserate? or critical kill rate / kill ballrunner per team  (CKR) 
MVP measured by tree 1. ball possession 2. sucessful passrate 3. assist rate 4. intercepted passes 5. critical kill rate 6. goal rate maybe chances
