Download current version:
The mutator doesn't have to be added. The gamemode features CTF support by overriding the gamemode:
Offline Install:
Put the .pak file in this folder, then it is ready for play offline or for joining a bombingrun server:
*username is your windowsprofile name
You can test it choosing Play > Custom Single Player Match > Custom > Bombing Run
For Admins make a new gamemode in your server .ini and ruleset. You can also use UTCC.
The gamemode runs as mutator. So you put Map and Gamemode in the SAME folder. The gamemode will override the files inside of the map, but it's not needed if you use the full path as gamemode.
One ruleset can be found on UTCC
This ruleset has been tested on a hub working:
: {
"uniqueTag": "BombingRun",
"categories": [
"title": "Bombing Run",
"tooltip": "Bombing Run",
"description": "Bombing Run Community Mod\n\n<UT.Hub.RulesText_Small>TimeLimit : %TimeLimit% minutes</>\n<UT.Hub.RulesText_Small>Maximum players : %MaxPlayers%</>",
"mapPrefixes": ["BR"],
"maxMapsInList": 80,
"customMapList": [
"maxPlayers": 12,
"displayTexture": "Texture2D'/Game/RestrictedAssets/UI/GameModeBadges/GB_TDM.GB_TDM'",
"gameMode": "/Game/UT4BombingRun/UT4BRGameMode.UT4BRGameMode_C",,
"gameOptions": "?MaxPlayerWait=120?TimeLimit=15?GoalScore=50?Mutator=/Game/BombingRun.BombingRun_C,",
"requiredPackages": ["/Game/UT4BombingRun/UT4BRGameMode.UT4BRGameMode_C"],
"bTeamGame": true,
"bCompetitiveMatch": false,
"optionFlags": 65535,
"bHideFromUI": false
For redirect insert your urls and checksum in your game.ini:
If you want to add CTF-Maps you have to change the Map Prefixes to
"mapPrefixes": ["BR", "CTF"],
BR Options - You have options to turn on specific values for BombingRun:
These are the values to gameOptions:
doublejump=true doublejump=false
brtrans=true brtrans=false
adrenaline=true adrenaline=false
iBR=true iBR=false
BR=true BR=false
vBR=true vBR=false
If you add the mods as "Featured" on your hub please mark them for example "2k4BombingRun" or "UT4BombingRun"
adrenaline turn off doesn't work yet
For developing:
If you wanna help modding, modeling, mapping etc, just hit me up.
The mutator doesn't have to be added. The gamemode features CTF support by overriding the gamemode:
Offline Install:
Put the .pak file in this folder, then it is ready for play offline or for joining a bombingrun server:
*username is your windowsprofile name
For Admins make a new gamemode in your server .ini and ruleset. You can also use UTCC.
The gamemode runs as mutator. So you put Map and Gamemode in the SAME folder. The gamemode will override the files inside of the map, but it's not needed if you use the full path as gamemode.
One ruleset can be found on UTCC
This ruleset has been tested on a hub working:
: {
"uniqueTag": "BombingRun",
"categories": [
"title": "Bombing Run",
"tooltip": "Bombing Run",
"description": "Bombing Run Community Mod\n\n<UT.Hub.RulesText_Small>TimeLimit : %TimeLimit% minutes</>\n<UT.Hub.RulesText_Small>Maximum players : %MaxPlayers%</>",
"mapPrefixes": ["BR"],
"maxMapsInList": 80,
"customMapList": [
"maxPlayers": 12,
"displayTexture": "Texture2D'/Game/RestrictedAssets/UI/GameModeBadges/GB_TDM.GB_TDM'",
"gameMode": "/Game/UT4BombingRun/UT4BRGameMode.UT4BRGameMode_C",,
"gameOptions": "?MaxPlayerWait=120?TimeLimit=15?GoalScore=50?Mutator=/Game/BombingRun.BombingRun_C,",
"requiredPackages": ["/Game/UT4BombingRun/UT4BRGameMode.UT4BRGameMode_C"],
"bTeamGame": true,
"bCompetitiveMatch": false,
"optionFlags": 65535,
"bHideFromUI": false
For redirect insert your urls and checksum in your game.ini:
If you want to add CTF-Maps you have to change the Map Prefixes to
"mapPrefixes": ["BR", "CTF"],
BR Options - You have options to turn on specific values for BombingRun:
These are the values to gameOptions:
doublejump=true doublejump=false
brtrans=true brtrans=false
adrenaline=true adrenaline=false
iBR=true iBR=false
BR=true BR=false
vBR=true vBR=false
- For nwBombingRun ?BR=true needs to be added. Tthis will turn on those options: doublejump=true brtrans=true adrenaline=true iBR=false vBR=false BR=true, which equals UT2004 gameplay.
- For vanillaBombingRun you need to add ?vBR=true, this will turn all parameters false, which equals UT4 gameplay or you do nothing
- For instagibBombingRun you need to add ?iBR=true. Adding only this value will set UT2k4 gameplay. Adding additonally ?vBR=true will set UT4 gameplay. Lowgrav can be added as mutator too.
adrenaline turn off doesn't work yet
For developing:
If you wanna help modding, modeling, mapping etc, just hit me up.
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