bot research

So here are the research notes for current state and a match with bots

  • Disclosure map works very well with bots, but they don't attack/defend low tunnel on start
  • Grendelkeep has mutiple ball bug, i'm not sure why have to look into it, the bots need better defending there and maybe better jump to goal
  • Twintombs works with bots but its not easy for them, complex map - needs some reowork. The lightning gun and shock rifle at start make problems
  • Anubis needs complete rework
Overall the bots play very well with the ball, the attack the ballrunner first and run in Squads to cover the runner. They run directly to goal and try to dodge attacks. Specially on godlike it's not easy to score

General bugs: 
  • If you locked on right click and die, it stays. Goes away if player has the ball and lock, or on goal
  • ball sometimes doesn't get visible/touchable if bot loses the ball
  • on teleporting on the ball it can happen the same
